February 15, 2014

Vegetarian Raw Lasagna

Eating raw is a great way to boost your energy level and stay looking and feeling young and healthy. Research has shown that when food is heated above 42 degrees it starts to lose its nutritional value, natural enzymes start to be destroyed in the process. When I was in Copenhagen, it was very clear from the start people attach a lot of attention at healthy food, which you can see in their many "raw food restaurants". One of my favorite ones is 42° Raw. One of their most famous dishes is a vegetarian lasagna with lots of fresh vegetables and nuts. Last weekend I surprised my family by making this recipe myself. It takes quite some time to make it, but you can easily prepare some extra sauce which you can preserve in the freezer for the next time. It's definitely worth trying this one!

1 or 2 courgettes, sliced lengthwise on a mandolin
200g spinach
4 sliced tomatoes
Cashew creme
Tomato and walnut sauce

Recipe for the cashew creme layer:
0,5 kg chopped yellow bell pepper
0,5 Cashews
100 ml Olive Oil
40 ml Apple Cider Vinegar
Salt and Black pepper

Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until smooth.

Recipe for tomato and walnut sauce:
0,25 kg sundried tomatoes
400g beef tomatoes
0,25 l water
125 ml olive oil
40 ml apple cider vinegar
5 g fresh oregano
5 g fresh thyme
40 g red onion
250g walnuts, roughly chopped

In a large food blender add tomatoes, fill with water and add all other ingredient except for the sundried  tomatoes and walnuts. Blend on high speed for at least 1 minute. Add the sundried tomatoes and blend on high until smooth. Pour sauce into a large mixing bowl. Chop the walnuts into rough chunks by hand or machine and add the walnuts to the sauce and mix by hand.

These quantities are for four big portions.

The assembly of the raw lasagna is as follows:
1) Brush the bottom and sides of a plastic
     lasagna tray with oil.
2) Layer of sliced raw courgettes
3) Layer of cashew cream
4) Layer of spinach, mixed with a little olive oil
5) Layer of sliced tomatoes
6) Layer of sliced raw courgettes
7) Layer of tomato and walnut sauce
8) Layer of pesto
9) Top layer of sliced raw courgettes
10) Brush top layer of courgettes with olive oil

Hope you like the recipe, I can't wait to make this again! :-)
Bon appetite!


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